ifacs staff


Our expertise within the field of historic restoration lies in our extensive knowledge and intimate familiarity with the subject itself.  Based on the unrivaled training and experience of our in-house consultants and specialists, IFACS is the perfect choice for detailed reports on any aspect of restoration and conservation.
We have been hired as consultants in all manner of capacities, from advisors to historic buildings and museums to expert witnesses for high-profile court cases and special contributors on Hollywood movies.
With a deep love for historic buildings and artwork, our consultants become intimately involved with every project, providing our clients with perspective that a simple background in art history is unable to provide.

Our consultancy services include:
Masterplan and Feasibility Study Preparation.
Historic listing
Full historic surveys
Spectrophotometric color study and analysis
Surface exposure
Contract and document review

We offer a full range of financial services related to historic buildings–these include:
Cost effectiveness of restoration
Assistances with grant application
Practical uses of restored property
Sourcing of specialist subcontractors
Use of property for media purposes and protection of the same during media exposure

Consultancy and Speaker Projects